Miten onnistua etävalmennuksessa – vaatimuksia ja ideoita

Jos etävalmennus ei ole sinulle entuudestaan tuttua tai haluat uusia ideoita valmennustoimintaasi, olet saapunut oikeaan paikkaan. Tässä artikkelissa käymme läpi mitä etävalmennus vaatii, ja miten onnistut tässä nopeasti kasvavassa markkinassa.


Jos haluat ansaita elantosi valmentamisella, on syytä tarkastella valmentamista liiketoimintana. Tarvitset selkeän liiketoimintasuunnitelman, valmensitpa sitten kasvokkain tai etänä. Ei mitään monimutkaista, tee siitä yksinkertainen ja ennen muuta skaalautuva.

Tuotat valmennuspalvelua, joten tarvitset palvelukuvauksen. Mitä palvelu pitää sisällään, mikä ei siihen kuulu, valmennuksen kesto, kenelle palvelu on suunnattu, mikä on palvelun päämäärä ja ennen kaikkea kenelle palvelu ei sovi.

Kun nämä asiat on selkeästi kuvattu, potentiaaliset asiakkaasi pystyvät arvioimaan vastaako palvelusi heidän vaatimuksiansa.

Palvelukuvaus on tämän jälkeen kunnossa. Seuraavaksi pitää miettiä miten palvelu tuotetaan. Sisällöstä riippumatta, sen on oltava saatavissa verkosta, joten tähän tarvitset työkalun.

Seuraavaksi on päätettävä miten tämä sisältö jaetaan asiakkaille. Koska kysymyksessä on verkkovalmennus, tarvitset alustan jonka avulla olet yhteydessä asiakkaisiisi. Alustan tulisi tukea myös sisällön luomista, jolloin sinun ei tarvitse käyttää useita eri ohjelmistoja.

Liiketoimintasuunnitelmassasi olisi hyvä olla asiakaspolku, jossa kerrot vaihe vaiheelta miten asiakkaat saavat palvelusi käyttöönsä. Tämä vaikuttaa oleellisesti palvelusi laatuun, erityisesti silloin kun asiakasmääräsi kasvaa.



Sisältö on nyt kunnossa, joten sinulla on palvelu jota myydä. Mutta mistä asiakkaat löytävät palvelusi? Katsotaanpa seuraavaksi sitä.

Useimmilla etävalmentajilla on omat web-sivut. Näillä sivuilla esittelet itsesi ja palvelusi. Tämän lisäksi asiakkaalle on kerrottava mistä ja miten palveluitasi ostetaan. Web-sivujen tekemisen takia ei kannata menettää yöunia, mutta jos koet sen turhan työlääksi, voit aina hyödyntää sosiaalista mediaa. Tämä johtaakin meidät sopivasti seuraavan aiheeseen.


Nyt sinulla on sekä palvelut että paikka josta ostaa palvelusi. Tämä ei riitä, tarvitset näkyvyyttä. Tarvitset näkyvyyttä niiden ihmisten joukossa, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita palveluistasi.

Yleisin tapa lisätä näkyvyyttä on olla aktiivinen sosiaalisessa mediassa. Voisi jopa sanoa niin, että jos et ole sosiaalisessa mediassa, ei ole olemassa palveluitasikaan. Näitä medioita on kasapäin, joten sinun on tehtävä valintaa. Voit toki yrittää poimia kaikki rusinat pullasta, mutta siihen se aika sitten meneekin. On parempi kuitenkin valita sellainen media, jossa potentiaaliset asiakkaasi ovat aktiivisia.

Useimmat valmentajat eivät tyydy pelkästään sosiaaliseen mediaan markkinointikanavana. On hyvä olla läsnä keskustelufoorumeissa, messuilla ja erilaisissa tapahtumissa joissa myös mahdolliset asiakkaat ovat. Myös maksetut mainokset ovat yksi vaihtoehto.

Sitten kun olet kyllin tunnettu, tarve käyttää edellämainittuja kanavia pienenee. Maineesi leviää suusta suuhun. Tämä kaikki ei tapahdu yhdessä yössä. Pysyvien asiakkuuksien saaminen ottaa aikaa, jopa vuosia.


Tärkein ja samalla haastavin asia viimeiseksi. Miten ansaita elantonsa etävalmennuksella.

Asia voidaan pilkkoa kolmeen osaan: palvelun tuottamisen kustannuksiin, palvelun hinnoitteluun ja asiakasmääriin. Nämä ovat kytkeytyneitä toisiinsa. Menestyminen kilpailussa vaatii että nämä kolme ovat oikeassa suhteessa toisiinsa.

Coach4Pro:ssa olemme ajatelleet, että tuotantokustannusten hallinta on menestymisen perusta. Olemme kirjoittaneet aiheesta kaksi artikkelia, joissa keskitytään siihen miten tuotetaan laadukasta valmennuspalvelua isoille asiakasmäärille. Tässä vielä lyhyesti aiheesta. Asian ytimessä on ennakkosuunnittelu. Päämääränä on luoda mahdollisimman paljon sisällöstä ja viestinnästä etukäteen, kuitenkin niin, että henkilökohtainen kosketus asiakkaisiin säilyy. Lisäksi on löydettävä segmentti, jossa on kasvun mahdollisuuksia. Kaikkea kaikille ei ole toimiva valinta.

Parempi olla paras jollakin erityisalalla, kuin keskinkertainen kaikessa.

Palvelun hinnan määrittäminen voi olla ongelmallista. Ensimmäiseksi on selvitettävä mahdollisten kilpailijoiden hinnoittelu. Lopullisen hinnan määrittelee sitten kilpailutilanne.

Jos päätät kilpailla hinnalla, sinun on pidettävä tuotantokustannukset alhaisina tai tyydyttävä pienempään tuottoon per transaktio. Onko palvelun hinta alhainen vai korkea ei ole oleellinen asia, vaan se mitä asiakas rahallaan saa. 

Asiakkaiden lukumäärä on etävalmennuksessa se määräävin tekijä kannattavuuden kannalta. Mitä enemmän asiakkaita sitä isompi kassavirta, edellyttäen että pystyt toimittamaan palvelun ilman merkittäviä lisäkustannuksia. Tässä haasteena on palvelun laadun pitäminen korkeana kun asiakasmäärät kasvavat. Tästäkin meillä on artikkeli, johon on hyvä tutustua.


1. Tee liiketoimintasuunnitelma

2. Valitse paikka jossa myyt palveluitasi

3. Tarvitset etävalmennukseen räätälöidyn alustan

4. Valitse paikka jossa haet näkyvyyttä

5. Tarkastele aika ajoin, että se mitä teet on myös kannattavaa


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Laita sähköpostia.

Tutustu uuteen etävalmennusalustaasi jo tänään.

How to coach online – Requirements and ideas

How to coach online – Requirements and ideas


If you’re new to the world of online coaching or if you just want to get some ideas on how to enhance your coaching business, then you have arrived to the right page.
In this article we’ll go through the basics of how to coach online and what’s required to have a chance to succeed in this fast growing market.


The plan

If you want to make a living as a coach, you need to think about your coaching as a business. Regardless if you’re doing coaching online or face to face, you need to have a clear business plan to be successful. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just try to make it simple and scalable.

Let’s start with your product, your coaching service.
You need a good description of your coaching service. What does it include, what does it not include, for how long will it last, who is it made for, is there people that shouldn’t buy this product, what is the target of the service? By answering these questions your potential clients will be able to decide if your service meets their needs.

So now you have your service description. The next question to answer is how will you produce it?
Regardless of what type of coaching content you will provide, it needs to be accessible online, so using some kind of online tool is recommended.

The next step to think about is how you will get your coaching content to your clients. Since we are talking about online coaching, you obviously need an online platform that allows you and your clients to connect. This platform should be the same as the tool you used to create your content with, so that you don’t have to use several different programs.

Your business plan should have a clear client path, where you describe step by step how the clients access your service. This has a great impact on the quality of your coaching service, especially when you start to get more customers.


The place

Now you have created something that your customers can buy. But where do they buy it? That’s the next question to figure out.

Most online coaches have their own websites. On the website your customers can read about you and what you are offering. It should also be made clear how the purchasing of your service is done. Creating a website doesn’t have to be something to loose sleep over, but if you think that it’s a too big step for you right now, you can try to manage with using social media only. Which takes us to the next step.


The promotion

Fantastic! Now you have a service and a place from where to buy it.
What you need now is visibility. You need the right kind of people, people that are interested in your services, to visit your website.

The most common way to get visibility nowadays is being active on social media. We would even go so far and say that your coaching company can not succeed without you being on social media. There are a lot of different medias available, but you do not need to be active on all of them. (Or you can, but then you won’t be doing anything else…) Try to figure out on what media your customers spends time on.

Not many coaches use solely social media to promote themselves. It’s also a good idea to visit discussion forums, exhibitions or events to meet potential customers. There are also coaches that use paid advertisements in a way or another.

Once you get famous enough though, you won’t actually need any of the above mentioned solutions to give you visibility. The word of mouth will take care of it for you. But that won’t happen over night. It takes years and years to create a successful customer retention.


The money

Now we have arrived to the most interesting but also the most challenging area. How to make a living on online coaching.

We can divide this into three segments. The cost of producing your service, the service price and the number of customers. They are all connected, and the only way for you to be successful is to make sure there’s a good balance between them.

We at Coach4Pro think that the first one, the cost of producing your service, is the most fascinating one but also the most challenging one. This has resulted in two articles about how to produce quality coaching for large amounts of people. Since we have written about this before, we will only touch this with a few words. Basically you should try to pre-create and automate as much as possible without loosing the personal touch with the clients. And instead of trying to offer your services to everyone, try to focus on a segment where you can grow.

It’s better to be the best at a specific thing than to be average at everything.

The service price can be very difficult to set. It’s a good idea to do some research and find out what prices your competitors with similar services have. But in the end, it’s a matter of supply and demand.

If you want to compete with low prices, you need to either have very low production costs or be ready to earn less per sell. If you put a higher price than your competitors you need to make sure that your clients are buying something extraordinary. Bear in mind that there is nothing expensive or cheap when it comes to online coaching, only value for money.

The number of customers is the single biggest factor in making money as an online coach. More customers means more money, as long as you can produce. A big challenge here is how to keep the quality of the service high when your customer numbers increases. Again, we have great content written about this already, so make sure to check that out.



  1. You need a business plan and a client path.
  2. You need a place from where to buy your coaching service.
  3. You need an online tool from where you actually do your coaching.
  4. You also need a place from where you get visibility.
  5. And you should always reflect on if what you are doing is earning you money.



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How To Provide Personal Coaching Online For Large Amounts Of People PART 2


This is the second part of this blog series. In the first part, we talked about what personal coaching is and why people want it. We also discussed how to manage time and how segmentation is done.

In this text, we will try to give you ideas on how you can decide your own segments as well as offer you productivity suggestions. Let’s get started.

Your client segments

So, how do you choose your own segment? Well, there are a number of factors you need to take into account. One of the most important aspects is your know-how. Clients usually seek out a coach that can give them guidance towards their goal. To be able to give guidance, the coach needs to know what he or she is talking about. And most importantly, the coach should possess more know-how than the client.

If the client feels that he or she knows more than the coach, it will be difficult to trust the guidance that is given by the coach.

A second factor is your motivation. Are you interested in knowing more about this client segment, are you eager to learn more if needed? Are you ready to expand your knowledge base if your client segments demands it?

Your motivation can be divided into two different motivational factors, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic refers to external rewards (or punishments) such as money, fame and praise. Intrinsic refers to internal rewards, such behaviours that arises within yourself that simply feels naturally satisfying to do.

I guess you have already figured out which one of these you should focus on. Even if money and fame is great, you should try to work with a segment that feels nice to work with and is something you enjoy doing. If you do that, there’s a fairly good chance money and fame will follow.

Besides know-how and motivation, things that you can control yourself, there are two other aspects that comes into play, that are more difficult to control. These are supply and demand.

When thinking about your segment, do you think that there are big demands for a service like yours? And what are they willing to pay? If you would start your coaching in this segment, how many competitors would you have? Would there be a market share for you in this segment?

You should try to answer these questions. If the situation is challenging, you either need to change segment, price or location somehow. Or then just offer a kick-ass service that no-one can resist and compete with.

Get productive

When you have chosen your client segment, it is time to start planning the service. What you want to do is to create a client path that every client in your segment can go through. By doing this, you guarantee that every client gets a great service. The client path should be based on the segment’s wants and needs. The path tries to find factors in the service that can be described and repeated for everyone.

To create the client path, you can think about it like this, that you should be able to teach another person to offer your service.

Start with describing the service. Who is it for, what do they get, what does the service contain, for how long is it active, what is the target and so on.

Now think about every step you take when you deliver your service to a client. Maybe you write a contract, maybe you gather basic info about the client, have a start-up meeting etc. A good idea is to divide your work into what you do before the client starts the service, what you do in the start-up phase, what you do during the service and what you do when the service ends.

Ask yourself, what work is always done in the same way and what work changes from time to time?

The work that is always done the same way, is there a way to make this easier and faster? Can it be automated somehow? For example, if you write a contract with your client, can you pre-create a template where you just fill in the specific details?

Or if you have a start-up meeting with your client, can you before having the meeting send a questionnaire with questions you always ask to the client, and then during the meeting discuss the client’s answers instead of spending double the time doing both?

Think about these kinds of things. Try to see the service as a process that can be created beforehand. It’s not very easy, but I’m sure you’ll find activities that you can improve somehow.

I will end this text with one final statement. Even if you can pre-create a lot of things, please remember the individual you are really serving. You can not state that you are giving personal coaching if you just give the exact same training program to everyone. Try to create a good mix that helps both you and your clients. A mix where everyone feels like winners.



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How To Provide Personal Coaching Online For Large Amounts Of People PART 1

We’ve noticed that this question have come up more and more lately. This issue is almost never an easy task to solve, and for a coaching company that has personal coaching as one of the core values solving this is crucial if the company is aiming to scale their business.

In this series of blog texts, we will try to give suggestions and methods on how you can handle more customers while still providing the same personal coaching that your customers desire.

What does personal coaching mean?

Personal coaching can be seen as a relationship between a client and a coach. The relationship is designed and defined in a mutual agreement based on the client’s expressed interests, goals, and objectives. Together with the client, the coach draws up a plan on how the client can reach the goals wanted. As time goes the plan is modified to best suit the client’s current needs.

Why do people want personal coaching?

Clients want something that is specifically made to fit their own life situation and needs. Quite often they have tried a free of charge training plan, and now wants to take the next step. People that aren’t that familiar to the world of training might also seek out personal coaching, because they want to learn how to train correctly.

If the client has used a free of charge training plan and liked it, the possibility that they return to that same page looking for personalised coaching is not only possible, but very likely.

 The clients may come to you for your personalised training plan, but they probably stays for the feedback and continuous interaction you give them, the trustworthy relationship you build together.

– So I not only need to create a personal training plan for the client, I need to provide them continuous interaction? And build a relationship? That sounds like a lot of work!

Yes, it can easily be very time-consuming.

– And now you say that I’m supposed to offer this to large amounts of people?

Yes, let me explain how.

Time management

Managing your time is crucial. If you want to offer your services to large amounts of people, you need to check where your time goes. You should start with writing down every part, every action, of the job you do in your coaching company. After that, calculate how much time that goes to each and every part of the work.

If you want to take on more clients, you of course need to have the time for it. If it takes a lot of time to plan the training program for your clients, you have two options. Either try to cut down on the time it takes to create the program, or free your time from other job activities so you have more time to plan the programs.

Identify where your time goes, and then try to figure out how to get more productive in these activities. Quite often it’s easy to see where the problem areas are. What ever the solution to this is, you need to understand how it affects your business and what happens (or don’t happen) if you don’t take action.

Having a clear plan of your time and understanding the reasons behind it will keep you motivated when you run into obstacles.


To succeed in your expansion you will need to know your clients and what their needs and goals are. Your productivity can increase significantly if your current services can be offered to similar people without the need of too much change.

It is a good idea to in advance create such material that fulfils the needs of a lot of people before you start your scale-up. The better you understand your customer the easier it will be to offer such a service that your future customers will appreciate.

Segmentation means dividing a broad customer group into sub-groups which shares the same characteristics. The more characteristics there are in the same group, the easier it will be to offer them a great service. It will also be easier to in advance create good material for all of them.

The segmentation can be done in several ways. Characteristics like age, gender, current condition, background in sports and goals are some that for sure will make your segmentation easier.

Try to write down how your current customers differs from each other and then place them into different groups. Few similar characteristics will create a big segment and a lot of similar characteristics will create a narrow segment.

To remain productive, you will need to weigh the size of the segment against the customers needs.

The dream would of course be that you can fulfil your customers needs a hundred percent, but that will almost certainly lead to a segment group of one person only. Your goal should be that approx. 80-90 percent of the customers needs are answered with the same service and material. The rest 10-20 percent are needs that you will need to assess with a personalised touch, to create a perfect service for both you and your customer.

If your segment is too big, it will get hard to fulfil the customers needs and keep them happy. This will most probably consume a big part of your time and drive your productivity to the ground.

With a successful customer segmentation you will surely save time, and be certain that you are able to provide good quality service for your growing customer base.

And remember, It is in fact OK to say no to a customer if he or she doesn’t fit in to your segments. Trust me, you both will be happy about this.

In the next part of this blog series, we will walk you through how to determine your own personal customer segments and how you can get more productive in your coaching. Everything to make your business scale-up easier and quicker.

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5 Reasons Why You Lose Clients And How To Solve It

The easiest way to grow your customer base is to not lose any customers

I know, pretty obvious, right? Still it’s so easy to just focus on new possible customers and take the ones you already have for granted.

The importance of holding on to your current customers can’t be pointed out enough.
Whether your coaching company focuses on endurance sports, corporate wellness or nutritional planning, it’s the same for everyone.

This article discusses why you could be losing your customers and what to do when a customer is unhappy.

5 reasons why you lose customers

This list can without a doubt be made twice as long here. Individual clients can leave for a numerous of reasons. But let’s focus on the most common ones.

1. Attracting the wrong kind of customer

You might think that you want to attract all possible customers. But this is actually not the case. You only want to attract the right kind of customers, or the other way around, deter the wrong kind of customers.

Spending valuable time and resources on nurturing relationships that won’t go anywhere is simply bad for your business. Wrong kind of customers require several times more time investment than other ones, and they’ll probably not be satisfied anyway. And let’s not even mention the emotional exhaust it takes handling this.

Attracting the wrong kind of customers can fairly easily be avoided by clear communication. Which leads us to the second reason why customers could be leaving.

2. Your description of your service does not match the service you offer

It’s pretty simple, if you’re not receiving the service you expected, you’re going to be unhappy. When describing your products and services, be clear with what it contains. Don’t try to over- promise things, it will just come back haunting you.

If you find out that the customer misunderstood your service, try to solve it as quick as possible. It doesn’t have to mean that you automatically lose the client, even if that might be the case.

Try to align expectations with your customers on a regular basis.

3. Customers motivation

For a person to do something, there need to be some kind of motivation behind the doings. Since we are coaching people, they need to have motivation to continue doing what you prescribe them.

Probably the person had motivation when deciding to hire you. But motivation can and will change. Motivation changes typically occur after either significant life events or extended periods of the same daily activities.

Coaching remotely can make it increasingly hard to identify a discouraged client. As a coach you should try to give motivational support through communication. Talk with your clients and ask them what forms of communication help motivate them and connect with you the best.

Sometimes, clients hire coaches out of fear instead of inspiration, and in this case you shouldn’t blame yourself for not being able to create the motivation they need.
Know the reasons behind why they hired you, and work with and around that.

4. Not nurturing the relationship

This reason is probably the most common one. At the very beginning of the relationship, when you are just getting started, coaches usually put in large efforts getting that prospect to be a customer. But after a while, the attention and the efforts provided to the customer slowly fades away, because there are new prospects that needs it more.

This is a bit ironic, since the effort it takes to replace a customer is far more demanding than retaining a current one.

Usually, when a customer is about to leave, there is very little contact between customer and coach. Customers who don’t take contact are usually the ones that are unhappy. As a coach you need to be alert to these people. You’ll be surprised how little effort it actually takes retaining these customers. A text message once a week or a phone call here and there takes you a long way.

Try to keep a clear and honest communication with the customer and ask for feedback about your service. A lot of people won’t give you feedback unless you ask them to. Especially if it’s more of a non-positive kind of feedback.

5. Changes in the customers life

Changes happen and peoples life situations changes. Some things you just can’t do anything about. You might have done everything the right way but you still lose the customer.

Maybe you did such a great job that you aren’t needed anymore?

And if you did a great job, the customer will surely return to you if your services are once again needed.

How to act when a customer is unhappy

Quite often dissatisfied customers don’t complain. They just walk away, and you’re left wondering why. So if a client expresses their unhappiness to you whilst they are still your customer, you’re in luck.

Customers that leaves either don’t know how to complain, don’t bother to do it, are too frightened to do it or then just don’t believe that a complaint makes any difference.

A customer that leaves without telling you why is a big problem. Even if they aren’t telling you, they will surely tell someone else. And here is where the real damage can occur.

With having social media as such a big part of our lives, it’s so easy to spread a complaint. And even if you would have one hundred great reviews, a single bad review often tends to be more contagious and can also drive other unhappy clients to react as well.

Great customer service protects your business from negative mentions.

We mentioned that you are lucky if a customer expresses their unhappiness to you. That’s because now you really have a chance to make a difference.

Unhappy customers provides honest information about your business, information you need if you want to improve and stand out from your competition. There is no better way to improve your services than by the feedback from the ones who are actually using them.

Make sure that you give the customer time to talk, and remember to listen! Don’t start to disagree with them, that will never have a good outcome. Ask the customer what they think would be a fair solution. Show them that you really care.
If you are willing to do what ever it takes to make it up to your customer, they will probably realise it and your unhappy client might even convert into being one of your most vocal advocate.

Don’t hesitate to give them a reduction of your price. A reduction on one billing is far much better than loosing the opportunity to bill them at all.

The tactics above should hopefully give you some fresh ideas for approaching unhappy clients. But do remember, your products and services will do most of the heavy lifting in keeping your customers loyal, and there are no shortcuts for that.

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10 Ideas On How To Retain Your Clients

As a coach, clients don’t grow on trees. Keeping the ones you have is crucial for creating a profitable business.

This article is the second part of an article series about customer retention. In the first part, we gave you five reasons why you could be losing your customers and how to solve the situation.

Why retaining clients is a good idea

When running a business you need to think about the company’s revenue. Coaching businesses are no different. Retaining clients cost less than acquiring them, and selling to existing clients is easier than new ones.

Keep in mind that revenue doesn’t care where it comes from, earned or saved.

There is no need to spend a lot of money on promotion when your clients are progressing, enjoying success, and speaking your praises. They will do the marketing for you.

Coaching quality and retention of clients goes hand in hand. Offering high quality coaching is easier when doing it to someone you already know. No need to spend time gathering information and finding out what they like and want, because you already have that knowledge.

Reactivating customers who already know you and your coaching is one of the easiest and quickest ways to increase your revenue, and might lead to some of your best and most loyal customers.

How to retain your clients

So now we know why it’s a good idea for coaches to retain their customers. But how do you actually do it?

At Coach4Pro, we’re all about building relationships with customers, but we also believe that great customer service, engagement and education are more than just the right thing to do – they’re also good for business.

To help you increase your own retention rates, we’ve compiled a list of 10 ideas on how coaches can retain customers.

1. Do a good job.

This one’s a no brainer. If you honestly think that you’re doing a good job, then you probably are.

2. Give extra value.

When time and money allows it, try to give some extra love to your customers. What do you think your customers would appreciate? If you don’t know, ask them!

3. Contact your customers.

Keeping contact with customers is important. And easy. But don’t think of it like something you do when you have spare time or when you suddenly remember it. You should schedule meetings and calls and make sure that they happen. Or even better, create a contacting automation process that helps you out.

4. Putting in effort when the off-season hits.

Almost all markets have off and on seasons. If you’re coaching an athlete, then the off-season is easy to recognise. If your clients aren’t athletes, then it might be a bit more difficult to recognise the off-season. In this case, think about when their on-season is. Maybe after New Year’s Eve or when summer is closing in or when the summer holiday has ended.

You need to be ready when the on-season starts, which means you need to put in some preparatory work during the off-season.

5. Reward your most profitable customers.

Make your loyal customers feel special. By doing the little extra for them, you ensure that they keep purchasing at the same level or even more. Rewards can be anything from discounts to special events or simply just a personal email saying thank you.

6. Be passionate and engaged.

Having a coach that loves his or her job and shows it can be a real motivational boost for a client A positive coach often create positive clients.

7. Say thank you, show appreciation.

By telling how much the client is worth to you and showing gratitude can create a stronger relationship. And we all know that a strong relationship between the coach and the client is a must have.

8. Be active yourself, be a role model.

Lead by example. Being a coach doesn’t mean that you have to be a great athlete, but to follow what you preach yourself creates a feeling of trust for your clients.

9. Active on social media.

Being a coach today pretty much means that you need to be on social media. Social media is a great marketplace to showcase your customers, share how much fun you and your clients are having and to display your expertise.

10. Ask for constructive feedback.

Try to create such an environment that the customer feels that he or she dares to complain. The best way to improve your services is by the feedback you get from the ones who are actually using them. Be responsive to their needs and proactive in bringing new ideas to the table.

So there you have it. What are you waiting for? Go retain your clients!

Or read How To Provide Personal Coaching Online For Large Amounts Of People.

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