
New planner tool released on Coach4Pro

New planner tool released on Coach4Pro   Coach4Pro have created a new, more intuitive way of building plans on the platform. The new planner tool allows you to create exactly the plan you want, whether it’s a personal training plan or a more generic plan for...

Kysely-toiminnon julkaisu

Kysely-toiminnon julkaisuAlkuperäinen idea Coach4Pro-järjestelmän kehityksen takana on aina ollut tarjota valmentajille työkalu joka yhdistää kaikki valmentajan tarvitsemat työkalut. Järjestelmän kehitys perustuu kokonaan käyttäjien tarpeisiin.Kysely-toiminto on ollut...

Questionaries released on Coach4Pro

Questionaries released on Coach4Pro   The original thought and reason behind the development of the Coach4Pro platform has always been to provide such a platform that sports and health coaches can use in their daily work, without having to use other softwares at...

Cooperation with Finland’s WU16 EM 2020 basketball team

Cooperation with Finland’s WU16 EM 2020 basketball team

Cooperation with Finland's WU16 EM 2020 basketball team Finland’s WU16 EM 2020 basketball team have started to use the Coach4Pro platform. The team started a pilot earlier this year and have now chosen to continue the use as they are getting ready for next year’s...

WU16 EM 2020 koripallotiimi sopimus

WU16 EM 2020 koripallotiimi sopimus

WU 16 EM 2020 koripallotiimi sopimus Coach4Pro ja Suomen WU16 EM 2020 koripallotiimi allekirjoittivat sopimuksen. Coach4Pro ja WU16 EM 2020 Koripallojoukkue allekirjoittivat valmennusjärjestelmän käyttösopimuksen. WU16 tiimi valmistautuu ensivuoden kesän EM kisoihin....

Kisakallion, Koripalloliiton ja Coach4Pron yhteinen pilotti

Kisakallion, Koripalloliiton ja Coach4Pron yhteinen pilotti

Kisakallion, Koripalloliiton ja Coach4Pron yhteinen pilotti. Coach4Pro, Kisakallio ja Koripalloliitto aloittivat yhdessä WU16 yläkoululeiritiimin kanssa pilotin, jonka tavoitteena on tukea nuoria lahjakkaita urheilijoita urheilijaelämään oppimisessa.  Pilotin aikana...

5 Reasons Why You Lose Clients And How To Solve It

The easiest way to grow your customer base is to not lose any customers I know, pretty obvious, right? Still it’s so easy to just focus on new possible customers and take the ones you already have for granted. The importance of holding on to your current customers...

10 Ideas On How To Retain Your Clients

As a coach, clients don’t grow on trees. Keeping the ones you have is crucial for creating a profitable business. This article is the second part of an article series about customer retention. In the first part, we gave you five reasons why you could be losing your...

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